We have a beautiful new addition to our family!Ella was born November 22nd at 4:17 in the afternoon. She weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long. She was 3 weeks early - can't imagine what she would have weighed if Dawn had gone full term!Of course, she's absolutely beautiful. She has the prettiest auburn hair - so unusual for a newborn.I'll be here until next Tuesday trying my hardest to spoil that baby rotten!Hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving. Ours just couldn't have been any better. There's just nothing like a new baby to brighten your world.
Well everyone was wondering why they had not seen any photos of me...now you see why. This is how I have looked since we came home. I have not slept more than 3 hours in a row, my chest has grown to a size that would rival Dolly Parton, and the only thing I am known for these days is being a milk producing machine...and yet we are loving every minute of being mommy and daddy to a newborn. Ellason is 11 days old and she is such a joy. Makenzie has had poison Ivy and has been going crazy not being able to touch Ellason but as of today she was good to go and loved all over her baby sister.
Life is good and we are all madly in love!
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