Saturday, February 17, 2007

Friday, February 02, 2007

Sherrie Austin Ad for St. Jude Children's Hospital

Sherrie is currently in the cast of a broadway play. I wanted to use this banner as a link to her website but it didnt work. Here is her website it out.
My brother's is in the third picture of the portion called media and then photo gallery.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Dr. Weil on Healthy Aging

Hey girlfriends,

Little does Dr. Weil know about the TR Sistahs.....research on us might indicate a loss of brain cells rather than an increase...for all the booze we do while engaging in an active social life on trips with friends! :)))) That's okay, too!

Good day!

Healthy Aging Tip: Boosting Your Memory
Do you feel like your memory is getting worse with every passing birthday? It happens to all of us as we age, but a growing body of medical evidence suggests that lifelong stimulation is the key to building brain cells, staving off memory loss and maybe even preventing Alzheimer's disease. Research has found that doing interesting work (paid or volunteer), pursuing hobbies and engaging in an active social life can help. Try challenging yourself with music, language lessons, or a new computer program; plan a trip with friends; or just hunker down with a good crossword puzzle this weekend - anything that makes you think in different ways is challenging for the brain and beneficial to your memory. And while you're at it, do it all with a smile. Studies show that a positive emotional state is also good for your brain. For more healthy aging tips join Dr. Weil on Healthy Aging!
Continue to Expand Your Mind Throughout Your LifeLearning a foreign language, visiting a new restaurant, reading a classic novel…. Making time for your mind is an important part of healthy aging. On Dr. Weil on Healthy Aging we cover ways to exercise your mind, techniques for improving your memory, and so much more. Expand your mind – visit today for a free trial.